Board of Trustees

Tony Felzen, Chair

Gregory Brenner
Craig deLaurier
David Gallo
Rabbi Judith Hauptman
Felicia Herman
Rabbi Rachel Isaacs
Michael Kestenbaum
Vered Rabia

Mark Rosenberg
Tali Rosenblatt-Cohen
Joseph D. Samberg
Lori Schreiber
Talia Siegel
David Steinhardt, Co-Founder
Julie Sissman
Michael Wigotsky


Kenden Alfond
Eileen & Lowell Aptman
Sara & Daniel Bain
Ben Barzilai
David Ben-Ur Maya Benton & Daniel Reich
Joshua C. Block Claudine Cohen
Stephen Cohen
Jeremy Dauber Karina Eichenberg

Judy Eick
Rebecca Gottlieb
Matthew Hiltzik
Robyn Perl Joseph
Alex Katz Zahava Blumenthal & Colin Kelly
Bara Lane
Kerry Miller
Gil Raviv Kathy Reich & Ken Meyer Sarah & Charles Rosenberg

Theo Samets
Viktoria Schrager
Haley Schusterman
Gigi and Brad Schwartz
Marisa & Tomer Seifan
Lisa Shamus
Daniel Shuchman
Sarah Sonnenfeld
John Stein Sarah Gould Steinhardt Bob Stone

Josh Ufberg
Dena Verhoff
Andrew Waranch
Yael Wyner & Philippe Visser
Adam Wolfson Nathaniel Wuertz
Tavi Yehudai
Marty Zack
Deb & Jeff Zaluda
Amy & Justin Zises

Natan Partners

Natan’s Founding Board
Evan Behrens, Sender Cohen, Ariela Dubler, Jessica Korn, Steven Rubenstein, Joe Samberg, Mike Steinberg (Chair), David Steinhardt

Our Team

Adina Poupko, Executive Director

Before coming to Natan, Adina oversaw student leadership programs and student programming at Yeshiva University, and was the Director of National Partnerships at Masa Israel. Adina is currently a Wexner Field Fellow. Previously, Adina was a fellow at the Ruskay Institute for Jewish Professional Leadership at UJA Federation of NY, received a certificate in Experiential Jewish Education, and received a Masters in Non-Profit Management and Public Policy from NYU Wagner. Adina was raised in both Montreal and Cincinnati, and found her love for Jewish communal work at Camp Stone, where she worked for many summers. Adina currently resides on the Upper West Side.

Avery Robinson, Engagement Officer

Prior to Natan, Avery worked as an editor and researcher with The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization. Avery received his BA and MA from the University of Michigan where his graduate work focused on Jewish American culinary history. An experiential educator, Avery has led camping trips with Camp Ramah in Canada and Moishe House, ran the Imagination Station at New Country Day Camp, and taught hundreds how to bake bagels in quarantine. Avery is a cofounder of Rye Revival and the manager of Black Rooster Foods, a rye bread company. A native Detroiter, he currently lives in Brooklyn.

Sarah Gold, Grants and Operations Manager

Sarah is a recent graduate of Colby College and earned distinction in both her fields of study: Sociology and Science and Technology Studies. During her time at Colby, she was involved with Hillel in several roles including treasurer and co-President. Most recently she interned in the constituency services team of Congressman Dan Goldman's district office where she supported casework for constituents in both English and Mandarin. Sarah is a native New Yorker who enjoys baking, trivia nights and volunteering at her local food pantry.