Board Discretionary Grants
Natan’s board makes a few discretionary grants to organizations whose missions resonate with board members and that advance Natan’s strategic agenda.
*Starred grantees are new to Natan in 2023-2024
Amplifier began as a project of the Natan Fund in 2014 with a mission of starting and supporting giving circles inspired by Jewish values. Since then, Amplifier has helped to create 120 giving circles that bring people together to talk about their values, pool their charitable contributions and decide together how to allocate funds. Natan’s grant will support Giving Circle in a Box. This toolkit will be an off the shelf, four-session giving circle model complete with facilitation guides, recruitment tools, and scripts for community leaders and professionals to use to launch and facilitate giving circles.
Ohel Ayalah provides free walk-in High Holiday services and Passover seders to young, disaffected, or unaffiliated Jewish adults in New York City. A past grantee, the organization was founded in 2004 by now Natan board member Rabbi Judith Hauptman.
Tablet Studios’* Unorthodox Podcast offers a fresh take on Jewish news and culture with co-hosts Stephanie Butnick, Liel Leibovitz, and, recently announced as replacing Mark Oppenheimer, Joshua Malina. This grant supported the production of a slate of stories about Israeli life, arts, culture, religion, and history oriented around Israel at 75. Many of these stories will feature past and current Natan grantees.
Spiritual Hardware Labs* is a new project from Sefaria-cofounder Brett Lockspeiser that is creating beautiful, magical, internet-connected objects that give people brief experiences of spiritual connection while at the same time create a real impact in the world. The project began with a vision to create the WiFi tzedakah box, but has grown to imagine objects centered around other Jewish values and practices, like prayer, joy, and feeding the hungry. This grant is supporting prototyping of new hardware.