While most Natan events take place in person and are not recorded, Natan periodically hosts virtual educational opportunities. We are delighted to share these with you!

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  • The Theory of Enchantment: A Conversation between Mijal Bitton and Chloe Valdary
    • 4/29/21

    The Theory of Enchantment: A Conversation between Mijal Bitton and Chloe Valdary

    Featuring: Dr. Mijal Bitton, Shalom Hartman Institute | Chloe Valdary

    Join Dr. Mijal Bitton, scholar in residence at the Shalom Hartman Institute, and Chloe Valdary, a noted writer and entrepreneur, as they explore the Theory of Enchantment, Chloe’s groundbreaking approach to combating racism and bigotry. In the Atlantic’s recent profile of the Theory of Enchantment, they write that it “elicits unusual openness, trust, and engagement from ideologically diverse observers, including many critics of more conventional DEI-training approaches.” Mijal is a scholar and thought leader who has raised critical questions about diversity and the assumptions we make about minorities within Jewish communities. Please join us for what is sure to be a fascinating conversation.