Featuring: David Halperin, CEO, Israel Policy Forum
Please join us for a special three-part learning series on key aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, featuring expert lectures and unique virtual tours of the region's landscape.
Part 3/3: Settlements 360: A virtual view of the past, present and future of the West Bank.
Featuring: Michael Koplow, Policy Director, Israel Policy Forum
Please join us for a special three-part learning series on key aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, featuring expert lectures and unique virtual tours of the region's landscape.
Part 2/3: A virtual view of key trends and flashpoints.
Featuring: Michael Koplow, Policy Director, Israel Policy Forum
Please join us for a special three-part learning series on key aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, featuring expert lectures and unique virtual tours of the region's landscape.
Part 1/3: The "1948 Issues" at the Origin of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
Featuring: Yitzik Crombi, Bizmax | Roy Munin, Made in JLM | Ayelet Cohen, HUJI - Innovate | Ehud Uziel, 15 Minutes – Public Transportation Alliance
Our final session will be focused on the Economic Future of Jerusalem.
Featuring: Yossi Klar, Ruach Hadashah | Ariella Cweikle, Jerusalem Municipality | Tareq Nassar, Sinsila, Eden Company
Our third session is focused on Arts and Culture in Public and Private Partnerships.
Featuring: Aviva Lahav, Beit Yisrael | Intisar Qaraeen, MiniActive | Daud Alian, Atta'a | Zaki Djemal, Kulna Yerushalayim
Our second session is focused on the implications of COVID on government services and community building.
Featuring: Avraham Hayon, SAHI - Special Hessed Unit Daniella Seltzer, Jerusalem Food Rescuers | Racheli Ibenboim, Eshkolot, Vehaguta | Gilad Sevitt, Madrasa
Our first session is focused on the implications of COVID on food security and education.